Carbohydrates are the most abundant organic molecules in nature. So, it plays a very great role in the nutrition of health. In biology, ketosis is a state of organism characterized by elevated a levels of ketone bodies in the blood by the process of fat metabolism named ketogenesis.
Home-economics College has been established for the higher and scholarly education of girls in 1961.It is situated at Azimpur in Bangladesh.It has been founded by the help of Ford Foundation. The Home-economics College is under the authority of University of Dhaka ( Dhaka University ).
This are some pictures of our college,it is really green and cool.We called it is a small village in the center of the city. When you first go inside the college you will see a round flower garden.Next there is office rooms in the right-Principals office room, Vice-Principals office room, teachers common room and in the left there is the Auditorium room like a hut.beside the auditorium room ,the general library of the students,and behind it the canteen is situated.in the front of the canteen a small pond situated.and then step by step department buildings,classrooms are situated.this is our college,and it has a peaceful look and environment.
Today is Pahela Falgun ( 1st spring ).It is a day of celebration, singing and dancing as it is called 'Boshonto Utshob'.Spring is in the air. And here in Home Economics College this year we celebrate with more
Home-economics Bangladesh